Ready for Home - From Brazil to Littleton

Ready for Home - From Brazil to Littleton

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Our Last Days.

The Last Supper!!

On Sunday afternoon we said good bye to Fr. Paudie and to the parish and people of Juruena.   We were all sad to be leaving but thankful to have had such a wonderful experience.   I'm not sure exactly what any of us expected but we are all the better for having made the journey to Juruena.  

As heavy rain had fallen, the dirt road was in quite bad condition so it was a slow and treacherous journey back to Juina where we had to pick up the overnight bus to Quieba.   We were very lucky to get to Juina at all as there was trouble all along the way with trucks stuck on muddy hills and finding no grip with the wheels.   It was quite scary in places as the bus rocked from side to side trying to find a grip also and wheels sometimes gripping on one side and slipping on the other.  A few times it felt as if the bus was going to topple over.   Anyway, we finally made it to Juina for 7.00pm where the overnight bus had waited as there were many others apart from ourselves who were travelling on to Quieba.   It was straight from one bus to the other for another 12 hours.   Not such a pleasant experience!   We eventually got to Quieba the following morning and from there got a flight to Sao Paulo so it where Fr. Sean and Fr. Dermot met us.   It was just 11.00pm on Monday night when we got back to Kiltegan Central House.

Unfortunately I have not been able to finish off the blog but will do so when I get home.   We got to visit Aparecida yesterday, Wednesday so have some nice photos of that.   The final section will give each of our thoughts on the journey which may take a few days to compile after we get home.   Thanks once again to all who have been following our journey via the blog.   To date we have had over 1500 hits which is great.  

God bless to all and God go with is on our journey home.  Via com Deus.

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